
PhDr. Martin Dolejš, Ph.D.

Martin Dolejš graduated at Ph.D program at the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Arts, Palacký University in Olomouc, where he currently works as an assistant professor in the field of quantitative, qualitative methodology, psychodiagnostic methods and psychological research. One of the main topics that Martin Dolejš focuses on is construction and development of psychodiagnostic tools, their re/standardization, and application. Martin Dolejš also organizes the PhD Existence conference, which plays an irreplaceable role among doctoral students. In January 2019 the 9th edition of this conference took place.

Mgr. Jaroslava Suchá, Ph.D.

Jaroslava Suchá graduated in psychology at the Department of Psychology at the Palacký University in Olomouc, where she continues her full-time doctoral program with a focus on pedagogical psychology. Her professional focus is on adolescents, their risk symptoms and personality traits. Currently, she focuses on online risky behavior and internet gambling disorder. She also works on the development and standardization of psychodiagnostic methods for adolescents. As part of her professional orientation, she completed an internship in Berlin at the Center of Primary Addiction Prevention. She is a trainee in psychotherapy training in Logotherapy and existential analysis.

Doc. PhDr. Michal Čerešník, Ph.D.

Michal Čerešník graduated at the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Health Care, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. He currently works as an assistant professor at the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Arts, Palacký University in Olomouc and also as internal expert in the National Project at the Research Institute of Child Psychology and Pathopsychology, Bratislava. His specialisation is fosuced on the risk behavior of adolescents, psychology of education, parental upbringing styles, self-regulation and gender.

PhDr. Eva Aigelová, Ph.D.

Eva Aigelová graduated his Ph.D. in clinical psychology in 2014 at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Palacký University in Olomouc. At present, she works as an assistant professor at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Palacký University in Olomouc. She teaches addictology, internet consulting and lectures courses on risk behavior prevention. She participates in projects and researches in the field of addictology and primary prevention.

Mgr. Miroslav Charvát Ph.D.

Miroslav Charvát graduated his Ph.D. in clinical psychology in 2008 at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Palacký University in Olomouc. At present, he works as an assistant professor at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Palacký University in Olomouc. He teaches methodology and lectures courses on risk behavior prevention. He participates in projects and researches in the field of addictology and primary prevention (e. g by transfer of foreign methods for prevention of risky behavior and treatment of addictive behavior).

PhDr. Veronika Šmahajová Ph.D.

Veronika Šmahajová graduated her PhD program in clinical psychology at the Department of Psychology at the Palacký University in Olomouc, Faculty of Arts, where she continues as an assistant professor in the field of developmental psychology and family psychology. Her research is focused on the topic of alternative forms of family life (dual-career marriage, singles, same-sex couples and homoparenting). She also specializes in the field of child development and pathopsychology (e.g. development of adults brought up in long-term foster care). She worked as a school psychologist, currently she is engaged in psychological counselling. She is a trainee in psychotherapy training in Analytical Psychology.

PhDr. Ondřej Skopal Ph.D.

Ondřej Skopal earned his master’s degree (2012) at the Department of Psychology (The Faculty of Arts, Palacký University in Olomouc) and Ph.D. in educational psychology (2016). He has continued to be involved in his alma mater, where he serves as an assistant professor. In the meantime, he worked for a local NGO as a lecturer of primary prevention programs (2012-2020) and a therapist of an outpatient drug and alcohol rehab treatment program (2016-recent). In 2022, he completed training in systemic family therapy. His research activities focus on the topics of personality, risk behaviours in adolescence, addictology and educational psychology

PaedDr. Robert Tomšik, Ph.D.

Robert Tomšik graduated at the Department of Educational and School Psychology, Faculty of Education, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. He currently works as Head of Department of Diagnostic Tools at the Research Institute for Child Psychology and Pathopsychology in Bratislava. His specialization is focused on the parenting or child rearing, teacher development and education, career decision, social pathology, risk behavior of adolescents, methodology and statistical analysis in social sciences.

Nilüfer Beyza Akcan

Nilüfer Beyza Akcan graduated Psychology department in the Faculty of Science and Literature from Ufuk University in Turkey. She is focused on play therapy for primary school children in her country. Her main interest is child and adolescent psychology. She works on the standardization of psychodiagnostic methods for adolescents to Turkey in the Palacky University, Department of Psychology in Olomouc. She is focused on intercultural differences in the impact of playing digital games while she compares Turkish and Czech adolescents. She is also interested in the impact of screen addiction on adolescents

Mgr. Helena Pipová, Ph.D.

Helena Pipová studies doctoral program in clinical psychology. She focuses on the area of addictions, especially on the topic of food addiction and eating disorders. Another area of her research is the topic of trauma. During her master’s degree, she spent a year studying at Sogang University in Seoul, South Korea. She worked as a school psychologist and currently works as a soft skills trainer under the Czech Association of Psychology Students and is a trainee in psychotherapy training in Logotherapy and existential analysis.

Mgr. Barbora Kňažek Považanová, Ph.D.

Barbora Kňažek Považanová graduated at Ph.D. program at the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Arts, Palacký University in Olomouc. She is currently working as an assistant professor at the Department of Psychology at FF UP and as a Secretary of the DSP Subject-Area Board and the Department of Psychology Ph.D. Study Coordinator for Clinical and Educational Psychology. She teaches the courses Interactive psychological training and Seminar in Adult Psychodiagnostics. At the department she is active in the section of personality psychology. Her research interests are in the area of moral psychology, more closely related to human values and moral dilemmas. She is also interested in generations, generation gaps and the impact of the internet on people. She is the author and co-author of several scientific outputs and monographs.

Mgr. Gabriel Kňažek, Ph.D.

Gabriel Kňažek works as an assistant professor at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, UP. He is a guarantor and coordinator of internships. At the Department of Psychology he teaches Interactional Psychological Training and Adult Psychodiagnostics – Seminar. At the Department of Media and Cultural Studies and Journalism FF UP he teaches the courses Foundations of Psychology, Social Psychology and Psychology of Communication. He also works in the Psychological Counselling Centre for students and employees of UP and is a participant of the psychotherapeutic training of PCA in Brno. He is a member of the Developmental Psychology and Family Psychology section and his research interests are in the areas of developmental psychology, educational psychology and cyberspace. He has authored and co-authored several professional publications, articles, monographs and test manuals.

Mgr. Katarína Banárová

Katarína Banárová graduated from the Faculty of Education at Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. She is currently studying a Ph.D. program (Educational psychology) at the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Arts, Palacky University in Olomouc. Her bachelor’s thesis was about RiskBehavior Interpretation through the Optics of Erikson’s Theory. In her master’s thesis she dealt with the issue Causes of Risk Behavior Production in Adolescence – Relationship Perspective. Currently, her work focuses on risk behavior in adolescence, prosociality, self-regulation, attachment, educational styles in family and other phenomena in relation to risk behavior in adolescence, which is also the basis of her dissertation thesis entitled The Pillars of Life – Prosociality and Self-Regulation in Context of Risk Behavior in Adolescence. In addition to her studies, she works at the Department of Sociology, Andragogy and Cultural Anthropology at the Faculty of Arts, Palacky University in Olomouc.

Mgr. Štěpán Komrska

Štěpán Komrska studies Ph.D. program of psychology at the Palacký University in Olomouc. He focuses on the area of aggression, impulsivity, risk behavior and risky online behavior in adolescence. Another area of his receiving research was the topic of addiction in digital games and internet. He currently leads a longitudinal research project examining changes in personality variables of students of elementary schools school over a 3 years.

Mgr. Daniel Lenghart

Daniel Lenghart studies master program of teacher training of fine arts and psychology at Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra at Faculty of Education. His work focuses on risk behaviour in adolescent, psychology of sexual minority adolescents (psychological development of identity, homophobic, biphobic and transphobic behaviour among adolescents etc). In his bachelor thesis he was studying specifics of psyche of man with homosexual orientation. He‘s currently working on diploma thesis of analyzing homophobia, biphobia and transphobia among adolescents.

Mgr. et Mgr. Vanda Kasalová

Vanda Kasalová is a graduate of Social Pedagogy and Social Work at the Hussite Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague and she also graduated in psychology at the Faculty of Arts of the Palacký University in Olomouc. Here she continues with the doctoral program in pedagogical psychology. She researches risky behavior, adolescents and the development of psychodiagnostic methods. In practice, she first focused on high-risk youth from low-threshold facilities for children and youth. She currently works as a psychologist at the Prison Service of the Czech Republic.

Štěpánka Ptáčková

Štěpánka Ptáčková is an undergraduate student of Psychology at the Faculty of Arts, Palacky University in Olomouc and Addictology at the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague. In her bachelor´s thesis, she is focused on digital gaming and related risk factors among young adults in Germany, with one of the main objectives to provide the translation of selected psychodiagnostic methods into the German language. As a part of her professional orientation, she is interested in the topic of risky behavior and is currently involved in projects aimed at primary prevention and mental health support for children and adolescents.